

Right before the rug was pulled out from beneath us!

Friday, April 20, 2012

one year

One year ago today Jake had his ICD implanted.  It amazes me to think how much we have been through in the last year.  Jake had his ICD read Tuesday, everything looked good.  Joey was checked yesterday and his septum hasn't changed so they said to keep doing what he is doing.  Jennifer is fine. No thickening at all.
The last year has been the most stressful ever .. and yet today, one year later.. Life is good!

On a side note,  About a month ago I was contacted and asked to call a mother whose 14 year old son was about to have a myectomy.  It was nice to be able to connect with someone that knew exactly what I was going through ( although if I had my wish no mother would ever have to experience it). Her son is having surgery on Tuesday. I truly believe your prayers helped me through Jake's surgery. So if you could take a moment and say a prayer for Brandon, I would greatly appreciate it.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

grant me serenity

What if they see signs of thickening?  This is the thought running through my head as I sit drinking my coffee. It's been just over a year since Jake was diagnosed (He is doing great.  He sleeps until noon like most teenagers.  He is currently focusing on getting his driver's license, taking it one step at a time!) Which means it's time for Jennifer's check up.  HCM is genetic, so siblings should be tested every year until they hit 21, then just every five years.   Our appointment today is at 9:45.  So, if you could just say a quick prayer for my daughter, I would greatly appreciate it. Usually I have not problem writing down how I feel but today I just can't seem to put it into words, the anxiety, fear, helplessness... I'll be saying the serenity prayer all morning.